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Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park
Contact Information
Tallahassee, Florida 32309
Phone: 850-487-4556
Hours of Operation
Park Hours: 8:00 a.m. to sunset, daily
The Gardens: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. daily
Maclay House: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. daily (January 1 through April 30 only)
Driving Directions
Maclay State Gardens is located one half mile north of I-10 on U.S. 319.
The use of native plants in landscaping to complement the exotic flora is evident throughout the gardens. Huge pines and oaks tower over the flowering dogwoods and redbuds. Camellias (about 150 varieties) and azaleas (about 50 varieties) are the predominant flowering shrubs; however, more than 160 other exotic species or varieties provide a rich diversity. Various walks and paths, pools and the Maclay House with its spacious lawns, provide a variety of floral scenery.
Blooming begins in December with the camellias and continues into the summer. Each week yields a new visual experience as each species completes its flowering cycle. An admission fee to the gardens is charged during the peak of the blooming season, between January 1, and April 30.
Park Activities
The lake is excellent for canoeing and small sailboats.
Only boats without motors or with electric motors
are allowed. Visitors are reminded that most of
the lake's shoreline is private. Please respect
the property of others.
Largemouth bass, bream and bluegill are caught in
Lake Hall. A Florida freshwater fishing license
is required.
Garden Tours
Guided garden tours are conducted on Saturdays and
Sundays during the peak bloom, around mid-March. Call
ahead for dates and times. Special tours also may
be arranged with a three-week notice.
Nature Trails
The Big Pine and Boy Scout nature trails meander through
the wooded hillsides overlooking Lake Hall. Novice
hikers could expect to walk the distance of either
trail in less than one hour.Picnicking
The picnic area overlooking Lake Hall is the most
picturesque in north Florida with a large picnic pavilion
available for rental.